Dr.Swati Munot,
Campus Director
I welcome you all to the family of K G College of arts and commerce, which was established in the year 2007. It’s a first evening college in Ahmednagar District. The college is open to students of all castes and creed, as envisaged in its vision to cater to the higher education aspirations of the socially, educationally and economically marginized of society belonging to poor economic condition. It offers ample of opportunities to all those who avail the education while serving.
The meaning of education has transformed greately in todays technology driven and digitally connected world that we live in. An educator in present times has to adopt a multi dimensional approach having knowledge creation, confidence building and motivating students to sharpen their skills. While many of our passout students are working with reputed companies. Our college is also focuses on developing entreprenual skills among the students so that they can start their own activity and create a legacy. Having carved a niche for itself over the years, through its achievements this college today stands as a symbol of immense possibilities and innumerable opportunities. The task ached is clearly defined, educate, enlighten and empower.
Dr.Swati Munot
Campus Director